A missing tooth is more than just a cosmetic imperfection; it can have negative impacts on your oral health. Without replacement, a missing tooth can affect the alignment of adjacent teeth, the density of your jawbone and your overall well-being!
When there’s a gap in your smile, the surrounding teeth naturally shift towards the front of the mouth, but shifting teeth are at a higher risk for plaque buildup and gum disease. Your gum tissue may also start to recede, and bone density above the gap begins to lessen. Missing teeth can also affect your ability to eat properly, which could result in your overall health diminishing.
To help prevent these adverse effects, Dr. Jayendra Patel may recommend that you receive dental bridges in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. Bridges are replacement teeth that anchor the surrounding teeth in place and prevent them from shifting and becoming misaligned. Our dentist can also make your bridges permanent or removable, depending on your dental needs.
Dental bridges drastically enhance the appearance of your smile, can last many years and are custom built to fit your smile perfectly. Contact Jim Thorpe Dental Associates today at 570-325-8300 if you have questions or would like to learn more about our restorative dental treatments.